Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Not so good at anything.

Whenever  anyone has ever asked me what im good at, I have never come up with a solid, definitive answer. All in all,  I think I'm only good at contracting contagious diseases from grubby children, and inconsiderate and equally grubby adults.
"Well what do you like to do?"
*Binge eat and binge watch Korean dramas or full seasons of shows I never got to watch when they were popular
*Give my cats some gato crack.
*Online window shop
*Google random questions -
ex. "How do you.. "  and then get sidetracked looking up whats suggested.
  That answer, as true as it may be, doesn't really make me feel great.
Reality sets in, especially in group conversation,  which should be a special skill and talent on its own. This socially awkward penguin thinks it should be worth at least a trophy, or trinket to be fully socially functional without scaring anyone away or giving off second hand embarrassment.

A n y w a y...

  I'm a closet cry baby, I'm clumsy,  scatterbrained , usually asleep, and I tend to talk a big game when I'm pissed off only to end it with "Yeah I probably won't do any of that. "

So, here is to all the things I've tried and failed at, but will continue to pursue. We do things that interest us, and make us happy, not necessarily because we are good at them.

And because some people,  might be going through their 20-something panic years and this is my way of avoiding a pre midlife crisis. 

Nice balls, are they new?

Do people just go around hating life?  Look, my deepest empathy goes out to you;  I'm sure it isn't easy having three baby mamas, or that your daughter got a classy neck tattoo to go along with her teen mom image, or whatever you're pissed off about.  Tell me, Why is the guy that needed a new kidney happier and nicer than you?  Yeah I don't know either,  and in case you're wondering,  no he's not dead,  Yes he got a new kidney. 
I like to laugh.  I have enough problems without having to dwell on them and let them ruin my day. All day, every day.
F o r e v e r! 
Plus mean people age terribly and Im not even about to have adult acne AND wrinkles. Then I would absolutely hate life and try to suffocate in a bag of chips. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Back to Basics

There's a few things I've been working on in between being at work and being asleep. Advice from a friend was to write every day. Probably best simplest advice I've been given about something I've always had a passion for. I feel as though some posts should and will be kept private due to subject matter I'm not ready to share with everyone. But I will at least write something. Every day.
That aside, writing in general has always been something I want to do. I may not be incredibly clever, or profound, or have the vast knowledge of any particular subject, or confidence of a Greek god of blogging...was this a pep talk?
I'm quite rusty to boot. I have to favorite my favorite words on my dictionary app because not only do I not get a chance to use my former extended vocabulary, but these days I can't remember much. Some days, I'm surprised I remember how to use the microwave. And shoes.
I'm more or less confident that the (at least) four people I know are mildly enthused to read my contingent occurrences, so at least clicky click some kudos for me or write a comment/criticism here. It would be super encouraging.

Here's a bonus cat picture :D