Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Naive Aloe Facial Cleansing Foam by Kracie

Today I'll be reviewing this Japanese face wash.

The only English words say "naive" "facial cleansing foam" and "Kacie" so again, I relied on my bff Amazon to tell me what's up.

Amazons description include:

  • Aloe is well known for its healing and moisture properties.
  • Squalane heightens moisturizing.

 I pretty much saw this at my local (ok, Dallas) Asian "mall" looked it up on and saw the star rating and bought it for $6.99..maybe $7.99.  They had several others same brand and bottle but with different pictures of what I'm assuming to be the main ingredient.  I recognized this as aloe and bought it because aloe is supposed to be bomb for your skin anyway.  Educated guessing.  

I will go ahead and say any face wash used is used after I remove make up with wipes. I don't rely on face wash to remove my make up and cleanse my skin because I personally don't think that's realistic.  So I'm only reviewing how it cleanses skin itself.

Now, Wet yo' face ^_^

Could use about half of what's in the photo but I wanted you to see the texture. It's very creamy, almost like lotion, but kind of sticky at the same time. Also, by using half of what's in the photo, this stuff managed to last me almost 3 months.  

 It foams up very nicely with a little water, the amount of water that's probably already on your face is enough, but without water it is kind of thick and paste like, and definitely more difficult to dispurse.   
The way it foams up is more like a shave cream/gel,  the lady kind for legs, not the man kind for face. Definitely not the foam consistency of hand wash either.

The smell is very strong, doesnt exactly smell like aloe, but it does smell very much like leafy green things, and almost sweet. It's  not unpleasant at all though, and the smell does goe away after washing it off.

Immediately after drying, my face is extremely soft, like I've never had a face wash leave it so soft before. It was very different,  for me anyway. On top of that, my face did have a "glow" to it, which freaked me out a little at first, but still very cool. As someone with combination skin, I can say I was not a oil slick by the end of the day so this does also control oil without over drying the rest of your skin. 

The cons: this does a great job cleansing skin, and keeps most blemishes away, however if you do get one, it doesn't do much to get rid of it quickly. Your big ol' zit just has to run its course, or use a spot treatment.  If you do pick at said zit, (which you shouldn't, but hey, it happens!) It does seem to heal a little quicker.
The nice "glow" doesn't last very long and after using it 2x a day every day it's almost unnoticeable.  Take a break for a few days And you'll notice it again though.
Overall, I would buy this again.  If you're feeling like trying something different, this seems like a good safe spot to start.

I'm a bit slow with updating the blog but I'll be posting two next time when I get the chance. 

One mask and a lemon "sleeping pack"
Till next time c: