Friday, July 22, 2011

Excuse me, you dumb Broad..

I'm glad you didn't stay in the kitchen today. Hearing you verbally abuse and smack your kid in the fitting room next to me at The Gap was hilarious. You're right, he shouldn't get anything from walmart and I'm glad you're dropping him off at the sitters so YOU can go swim without him. They'll teach him to not be impatient from looking after your other kid while in the same room as you getting naked and trying on clothes you probably can't afford to buy.
Yes, half the store could hear you and old people were laughing about it.
Seriously, if you can't raise kids, don't have more than one. Based on your inability to even carry a puzzle or treats or something for a (possible) 7 year old watching your (looked about) 5 year old I am also certain that you're probably too dumb to make me a decent sammich. Even if it looked okay, I wouldn't eat a sammich outta your kitchen because it probably tastes like neglect, paternity tests, and Miracle Whip.

It sounds dirty, but I didn't mean it to.

You know what else is pretty dirty? The lady, no no..a dumb broad that leaves her keys in the only available bathroom stall. That's not so bad actually, unless you know she's a grown woman and can't flush a toilet. So upon returning her keys and already flushing the toilet she says "OH..thank you, I'm sorry I didn't flush. It wasn't workin' right. How'd you flush it? It really wasn't working."
No Broad, youre stupid and you're only sorry a stranger judged you and knows you're lazy.
I bet you peed on your hands while you were in there too. Why else would you be using so much soap if you couldn't even use a hand or foot to flush.
Please tell me you don't go anywhere NEAR a kitchen.

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