Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sick sick sick

Week 3 of being sick and the husband that doesn't believe in going to the doctor unless you're gushing blood or have a broken bone decided I must go. Apparently 3 week illness isn't normal. Not even for me.
I could write a whole blog on over the counter medicine but it would more or less be a million pictures and one caption.
"Doesn't work for people who get sick ALL THE TIME "
I get my immune system is the worst. Even as a kid I remember being sick a lot, but kids usually do catch everything and weird hybrids of sickness probably undiscovered and unclassified by science.  As an adult you're either unhealthy or a hypochondriac.  I am neither and treated as both. I know people mean well with their tips but seriously, staaaahhhhp.
Earlier this year I went to  the doctor for strep throat, it went a little something like this:

"What are we seeing you for today? "

"I think I have strep throat. "

"Oh. Well we'll see about that."

5 questions and one strep test later.

"Well, you tested positive for strep. "

Story of my life.
Today's diagnosis is a mad sinus infection with a side of bronchitis.  I think my new  doctor gets it.

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