Monday, November 15, 2010

I procrastinate. Often.

I went online to pay some bills and see how broke I am via, because sometimes the app on my phone likes to devcieve me, and I ended up on facebook playing bejewled blitz for over an hour. The whole point of that game is that the rounds are short so I automatically think that I can play more in a shorter amount of time. It doensn't work out that way.
Also, I was really offended that youtube suggested a video to me of a man eating a roach. Seriously? I've been watching assorted videos of cute animals and they suggest a man eating a roach would be what I want to see? Needless to say, I would have checked it out eventually.

Speaking of youtube, it seems as though everyone is making videos in blog form. Makes me feel old, like that's the new way to blog and this typing is obsolete. I feel I'm doing the world a favor being in my unknown blog making inconsistent posts, because seriously, I don't have the consistency or the mug for videos.
I've seen some screenshots and default pictures and I definately would not have the assets to compete, and by assets I mean it would look a little like this

So maybe I suck at uploading pictures, but you get the idea

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I need a hobby

But nothing holds my attention for too long. No, I'm not a.d.d or anything I just get bored when I suck at things. Who likes to do tasks they're bad at? Exactly. So anyway, I'm too poor to be like every other girl and buy a guitar or a camera. Everyone's a Taylor Swift or does photography, I'm assuming with that many people doing the same thing it's obviously an entertaining passtime, but not for me.
*Sidenote: It's all those girls with their guitars fueling Taylor Swifts success, which makes me think that she is a cyborg created to be the poster child for all those girls and so bigwigs can make lots of money, but not actually pay a real person (cyborgs don't need credit cards or bank accounts).

I'm terrible at games where you shoot stuff to all you COD or Halo people that just want to demolish someone and I'm bad in general. I'm not particularly good at my job so I can't be a workaholic and I don't knit, scrapbook, or anything else crafty. I can't build anything, although if I could I'd end up missing digits or limbs. I'm already awkward no need to add to it.

Speaking of awkward, I apologized for accidentally touching my dogs ..thingy. That's normal right?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why's it called catnip if its not made of cats?

Just some 2 a.m. thoughts that occur with boredom and a laptop...

Ever wonder if the medicine inside a NyQuil pill is the same liquid shit you can buy in ...liquid form?
I'll go ahead and tell you its not.

I'll also go ahead and tell you cats are like ferrets and dogs put together. They take weird things, shiny things, dirty things, and just take them away and sometimes you find an unused tampon or a necklace in a weird place months later.
Oh and they apparently like to eat cellophane wrap and q-tips and especially enjoy it when someone has to pull it out of their mouths. If they didn't, why would it happen so often?

When medicine says if you drink 3 or more alcoholic beverages a day and should not take the medicine, it's still technically just a suggestion.
"Do not shake" on a beverage, or fireworks, or something, now that's a command. I'd like all products to have that much attitude and assertiveness.

When someone at work says "what's wrong?" Don't respond with the truth, "My zit hurts."

I understand different types of humor and respond accordingly to each, but nothing will make someone feel more lame than a noticeable courtesy laugh.

I think I discriminate against old people and children...

There should be a homeless people festival or beauty pageant or something. They need something to look forward to in life.

I draw a blank when someone asks me the definition of a word I just used. I'm not good at being put on the spot like that, why can't they just be normal and pretend they know what's up?